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Animal Health and Welfare



The Five Domains


We support efforts by our suppliers to strive towards improvements in how animals are cared for. Our commitment to animal health and welfare in Applebee’s, Fuzzy’s and IHOP’s supply chain is guided by the Five Domains Model, a science-based approach to assessing animal welfare that recognizes that animals experience feelings that range from negative to positive. The Model emphasizes the importance of a positive mental state, which is collectively determined by the domains.



Antibiotics and Antimicrobials


We support animal health and well-being practices that reduce, and where possible, eliminate the need for antibiotic therapies in food animals. Antibiotics are important veterinary medical tools to prevent, control and treat disease in herds or flocks. We continue to partner with our suppliers as they develop antibiotic stewardship programs aligned with the principles described here.



We will also continue our engagement with all suppliers to reduce the use of medically important antibiotics in each of our meat supply chains to promote animal, human, and ecosystem health; the use of medically important antibiotics for growth promotion is prohibited in our supply chain. For progress see the 2023 Dine Brands ESG Report.




We seek to procure seafood from suppliers who are members of the Global Seafood Alliance, and who are certified through Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) or Best Seafood Practices (BSP).


Beef and Dairy

We only source from suppliers who are committed to responsibly raising and processing beef/dairy cattle and employ licensed veterinarians for animal health oversight. Beef products within our supply chain come from harvest facilities that meet or exceed the NAMI (North America Meat Institute) guidelines. We support and encourage all farmers, ranchers and dairymen that are part of the Dine Brands supply chain to be certified through Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) and Beef Quality Assurance Transportation (BQAT) or follow the guidelines of Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM).



We only source from suppliers who are committed to responsibly raising and processing chickens. This means that the chickens in our supply chain are monitored by licensed veterinarians and raised and managed by people trained in animal health and welfare. Our suppliers meet or exceed the National Chicken Council (NCC) standards for animal care and handling.


Cage-Free Eggs

We are committed to a U.S. egg supply by the end of 2025 that is derived 100% from hens housed in a cage-free environment and are aiming to have at least 66% by the end of 2024 and 100% by the end of 2025.


In Latin America, we are committed to 100% cage-free by the end of 2025 upon supplier availability and consumer affordability. For progress see the 2023 Dine Brands ESG Report.


Sow Group Housing

Dine Brands and its suppliers understand the importance of sow health and welfare. We support responsible industry efforts as they continue to incorporate gestation sow housing practices that support and improve gestation sow welfare outcomes. As part of a responsible approach, Dine is committed to only sourcing and purchasing pork products from supply chains that use group housing systems for confirmed pregnant sows.

We continue to monitor the pork supply chain to ensure that the company’s supply commitment is aligned with availability of supply, accessible pricing from suppliers utilizing gestation sow group housing, and our specific product quality needs.

Dine Brands remains committed to ongoing progress towards our goal of using 100% pork from systems utilizing group housing for gestation sows by the end of 2030. In our 2025 ESG report, we plan to publish interim targets that we will aim for. We will share updates disclosing the actual percentage of group-housed pork in our ESG report, beginning with the 2025 report.